17APR2018 ⚡️ tan out of tan

Top: British India
Pants/ Shoes: Taobao
Bag: #ysl – Muse

Featuring some water spots on the hem of my pants because I cleverly upended my water bottle all over the floor right before this photo.


I considered wearing a tan blazer to ~complete the look~ but the 80s power suit vibes were a bit too intense hahahaha.


#thursdaytreats except on Tuesday because we’re backed up all week zzz but hooray for comfort in the form of porridge (and fish and taogay and taokee). 🙌🏻


Hashtag ugly delicious hashtag I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Ya know. Difficult conversations suck. And normal conversations that somehow devolve into difficult ones and further fall into full on character assasination and quarrels? Yeah, those are even worse. Way, waaaaay worse.

So absurd I cannot even begin to FATHOM it. So in true #escapistwmm style, I will proverbially stick my fingers in my ears and shut out the world aka hide in the sugar laden arms of the new season of Chef’s Table 🎂

{ defeated. }

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